admin, Author at Decolonizing Global Surgery

Cette session apportera une vue d’ensemble des principaux obstacles auxquels se heurtent le personnel infirmier des pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire pour mener et participer à des recherches et traitera des stratégies permettant d’aller de l’avant.


DATE: Mercredi, 13 avril


TIME: 10h00 ET / 14h00 GMT / 17h00 EAT


Disponible en anglais, français, portugais et espagnol


Inscription Link 




Olubunmi Lawal-Aiyedun ,
Infirmière en pédiatrie, Nigeria
Membre du conseil d’administration de la Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery





Larissa Gutierres,
Cheffe des soins infirmiers
SOBECC (Société des infirmières en chirurgie, Brésil)



Augustine Ndaimani ,
Professeure adjointe, Centre pour les soins infirmiers et les sages-femmes
Université pour l’équité de la santé mondiale, Rwanda



Vinitha Ravindran,
Professeure en soins infirmiers
Christian Medical College Vellore, India



Gilles Eloi Rwibuka,
Infirmier anesthésiste, Burundi
Président, ATSARPS (Association d’anesthésie, Burundi)





Cette session apportera une vue d’ensemble des principaux obstacles auxquels se heurtent le personnel infirmier des pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire pour mener et participer à des recherches et traitera des stratégies permettant d’aller de l’avant.


INVITATION À L’ÉVÈNEMENT : Rejoignez la Coalition pour l’amélioration des capacités de recherche en soins infirmiers peropératoires #TransformationalDialogues #Nursing présidée par @AiyedunLawal



En esta sesión repasaremos los principales obstáculos a los que se enfrenta el personal de enfermería en los países de ingreso mediano bajo al realizar o participar en la labor investigativa y debatiremos sobre las posibles estrategias para seguir avanzando.


DATE: Miércoles, 13 de abril


TIME: 10:00 ET/14:00 GMT/17:00 EAT


Disponible en inglés, francés, portugués y español


Registro Link 




Olubunmi Lawal-Aiyedun ,
Enfermera pediátrica, Nigeria
Integrante de la junta directiva de Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery





Larissa Gutierres,
Directora de enfermería
SOBECC (asociación de enfermería quirúrgica, Brasil)



Augustine Ndaimani ,
Profesor adjunto, Centro asistencial de enfermería y obstetricia
University of Global Health Equity, Ruanda



Vinitha Ravindran,
Profesora de enfermería
Christian Medical College Vellore, India



Gilles Eloi Rwibuka,
Enfermero de anestesia, Burundi
Presidente de ATSARPS (asociación de anestesiología, Burundi)




En esta sesión repasaremos los principales obstáculos a los que se enfrenta el personal de enfermería en los países de ingreso mediano bajo al realizar o participar en la labor investigativa y debatiremos sobre las posibles estrategias para seguir avanzando.


EVENTO: acompañe a la coalición #TransformationalDialogues en su sesión Cómo mejorar la competencia investigativa en la #enfermería perioperatoria. Preside @AiyedunLawal



Esse evento oferecerá uma visão geral das principais barreiras enfrentadas por enfermeiras em países de baixa e média renda na condução e participação em pesquisas e discutirá estratégias para o futuro.


DATE: Quarta-feira, 13 de abril


TIME: 10:00 ET / 14:00 GMT / 17:00 EAT

Disponível em inglês, francês, português e espanhol

Inscreva-se Link 




Olubunmi Lawal-Aiyedun
Enfermeira pediátrica, Nigéria
Membro do conselho da Iniciativa Global de Cirurgia Infantil





Larissa Gutierres,
Chefe de enfermagem
SOBECC (Sociedade de Enfermagem Cirúrgica, Brasil)



Augustine Ndaimani ,
Professor assistente do Centro de Enfermagem e Obstetrícia
University of Global Health Equity, Ruanda



Vinitha Ravindran,
Professora de enfermagem
Christian Medical College Vellore, India



Gilles Eloi Rwibuka,
Enfermeira anestesista, Burundi
Presidente da ATSARPS (Associação de Anestesia, Burundi)




Esse evento oferecerá uma visão geral das principais barreiras enfrentadas por enfermeiras em países de baixa e média renda na condução e participação em pesquisas e discutirá estratégias para o futuro.


Convite do evento Junte-se à coalizão #TransformationalDialogues para participar da discussão sobre o aprimoramentos dos Recursos de Pesquisa na #Enfermagem Perioperatória coordenada por @AiyedunLawal


Portuguese and French


This session will provide an overview of the main barriers facing nurses in low-and-middle-income countries from conducting and participating in research and discuss strategies for the way forward. This event will be available in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. (A description of this event in these respective languages is at the bottom of this page.) 

This event is hosted by the Transformational Dialogues Coalition. More information can be found out about this here 


DATE: Wednesday 13 April 2022


TIME: 10:00 New York / 14:00 GMT / 17:00 EAT


Register here Link 




Olubunmi Lawal-Aiyedun is a pediatric nursing leader with over 20 years of nursing experience. Olubunmi founded the Maternal, Adolescent, Reproductive, Child Health (MARCH) Care Initiative in Nigeria where she is also responsible for implementing the nursing component of Nigeria’s National Surgical, Obstetric, Anesthesia, and Nursing Plan (NSOANP). Olubunmi serves as a Board member of the Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery (GICS) and as a Nursing Advisor to the nonprofit Lifebox.





Larissa Gutierres, Chief Nursing Officer, Santa Catarina, Brazil, SOBECC (Sociedade Brasileira de Enfermeiros de Centro Cirúrgico)

Larissa has over 15 years of nursing experience and currently works as a Chief Nursing Officer overseeing a team of 150 people. She has a Master’s Degree in Management of Nursing Care with expertise developed in the surgical area. Larissa is a member of Brazil’s surgical nursing society – SOBECC. 



Augustine Ndaimani 

Augustine is a registered nurse with 16 years of experience as a Nurse and Health Professions Educator in Zimbabwe. Augustine currently serves as Assistant Professor at the University of Global Health Equity, Centre for Nursing and Midwifery in Rwanda. He holds a BSc (Hons), MSc and Ph.D. in Nursing Science from the University of Zimbabwe. He has held various roles including peer review of scientific manuscripts, mentoring young scientists and curriculum review for Post Graduate Diplomas, Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees in Nursing Science, Medical Analytics & Informatics and Biomedical Engineering.



Vinitha Ravindran

Vinitha is a Professor of Nursing at Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore, India. Vinitha has a MSc in nursing from CMC, Vellore, The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University and a PhD in nursing from the University of Alberta, Canada. Vinitha has broad experience across academic and clinical sites and has published more than 35 papers. She is currently Head of the Continuing Nursing Education and Research at the Nursing College at CMC Vellore. 



Gilles Eloi Rwibuka

Gilles is a nurse anesthetist from Burundi. He is the founder and chair of the Anesthesia Association of Burundi – ATSARPS (Agora des techniciens supérieurs anesthésistes réanimateurs pour la promotion de la santé). He has an MSc in Critical Care and Emergency Nursing from Alexandria University. Olubunmi Lawal-Aiyedun – pediatric Nurse, Nigeria, Board Member of the Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery





November 18, 2021


Vaccine Equity


The Transformational Dialogues coalition stands in solidarity with calls for globally equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics and greater protection for health care workers. The striking disparities between high and low-income countries as wealthy countries stockpile supplies and roll out boosters, leaving most of the world’s population vulnerable and enabling the virus to further spread and mutate, illustrate the very neocolonialism, unconscious biases and gross inequities that we seek to eradicate.


Regardless of where they are in the world, all healthcare workers should be prioritized for access to vaccines, testing, and treatments. In particular, the surgical and anesthesia workforce continues to be especially vulnerable. In managing the preponderance of respiratory symptoms, anesthesia providers have been on the frontlines of COVID-19 patient care, caring for the sickest patients in intensive care units.


Surgical patients have suffered disproportionately, with millions of critical life-saving and life-altering surgeries cancelled or delayed worldwide due to COVID-19 – an ongoing situation in many low and middle income countries as resources are diverted in response to the pandemic.


As we write, November 18, 2021 only 4.7% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The Transformational Dialogues coalition advocates for and supports implementation of actions that accelerate vaccine justice. We call for increased investments in surgical, anesthesia, obstetric and nursing care both as essential components of every health system and because of their critical role in infection control and pandemic preparedness. And we call for active involvement of surgical, anesthesia, obstetric and nursing experts in crafting equitable solutions to COVID-19 care delivery, prevention strategies, and public health approaches, as we build meaningful blueprints for how such public health disasters can be mitigated and optimally managed in the future.


The Transformational Dialogues is a broad coalition of individuals and organizations from the global surgery community working to identify and address issues of neocolonialism and inequities in global surgery.


#TransformationalDialogues and #DecolonizingGlobalSurgery



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#TransformationalDialogues and #DecolonizingGlobalSurgery